Round Hammock Mitigation Bank
238.13 Acres | Miami Dade County
Project Details
The Round Hammock Mitigation Bank is a 238.13-acre conservation area established to provide compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts located in the Everglades Basin (ACOE), Everglades Basin (SFWMD). The Bank consists of a mixture of degraded natural emergent wetlands, upland tropical hammock island habitat, and cleared uplands. The Bank is currently degraded by exempt agricultural clearing and row crops, exotic species invasion, lack of fire in the marl prairie habitat and hydrologic variation due to row crop soil disturbances and overabundance of Brazilian pepper and other exotic/inappropriate species. The restoration of the Bank will consist of the cessation of all agricultural activities, rehabilitation and establishment of emergent wetlands through the grading of existing row crops to adjacent wetland grades, exotic species eradication, thinning of shrubs, seeding, and planting native herbaceous wetland species and the reintroduction of prescribed fire.
The Round Hammock Mitigation Bank will have palustrine forested and palustrine emergent credits available approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The Round Hammock Mitigation Bank will also have freshwater forested and freshwater herbaceous credits available approved by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD).
GreenSource’s Scope of Services
- Site Identification
- Due Diligence
- Permitting
- Construction and Restoration Supervision
- Habitat Management
- Species Monitoring
- Vegetation Monitoring
- Hydrologic Monitoring
- Soils Monitoring
- Agency Reporting